Young People and Teens


The resources on this page are designed to help access locally available resources for young people and teenagers whom are struggling and may benefit from some local mental health support. There is also advice on resources for parents and family members as well.

Children and young person's counselling

Avenue Counselling

  • 17 Institution Road, Elgin,IV30 1QT, 01224 587571
  • Mediation and counselling for families. Some services charged for – individual adult sessions £40/hour. Children and young people’s counselling free of charge.

Crossreach Counselling


Sonas Well Being Advice for Young people

New tier 2 service in Moray for any sort of mental distress in those aged 5-25.  Anyone can refer into service- link on website. 1-1 support/ work in schools/ CBT style packages. Run By Carol Mclennan formerly of Youth Café

Elgin Youth Development Group

  • Runs a youth café called The Warehouse that runs courses, clubs, activities and opportunities for 11-18 year-olds to help with motivation, community, and personal development
  • Provides employment opportunities as well

Hands on Scotland

  • The HandsOnScotland Toolkit is a resource for anybody working with or caring for children and young people. It gives practical information and tools to help you respond helpfully to troubling behaviours and to help children and young people to flourish (useful for parents )
  • Free online workshops re anxiety, emotion regulation, avoidance, teenage years, challenging behaviour, mood issues, online safety and bullying


  • Portal contains a wealth of information for anybody working with children and young people’s mental health issues (targeted at professionals and parents)

Free Mindfulness


  • Helps stress management and self-awareness – meditations range from 3 minutes to 40 minutes
  • Free APP - smiling mind

CAMHS resources

  • Website with helpful resources for kids, young people, and adults to support their mental health and wellbeing
  • Free booklets and videos available online


  • 0800 1111
  • Lots of articles and activities for kids, including information about social, sexual, and psychological wellbeing and safety

Young Minds

Aye Feel Young Scot

The Mix

Children 1st  UK (Moray Kinship Care Hub)

  • Space to talk
  • Practical or emotional support
  • For children , young people and families in moray
  • Parentline: 08000 282233 Monday-Friday 9am-9pm | Saturday-Sunday 9am-noon, online chat as well
  • Local office in Elgin with support groups for parents and help for kids. T: 01343 564 170 E:

Aberlour Youthpoint Moray

  • Services for vulnerable and challenging children and young people as well as their families
  • Works with ages 12-18 providing intensive community support
  • Mentoring for people up to age 25 who are struggling with wellbeing
  • Parenting support groups and support for children
  • Social work must be involved in order for them to provide services to children directly
  • 01343 546214
  • The eligibility criteria is disadvantaged, excluded, vulnerable challenging young people and their families


Bullying advice and help

Bullying and cyberbullying can mean lots of different things. It can happen anywhere, including online, at school or at home.

Bullying can include: 

  • being called names, teased or humiliated
  • posting, commenting on or liking nasty photos, videos or posts about you online
  • being pushed, hit or hurt
  • having money and other stuff stolen
  • spreading rumours or starting group chats about you
  • being ignored, left out or made to feel like you're not wanted
  • being threatened, intimidated or sent nasty messages
  • trolling you or commenting on your posts or pictures saying nasty things
  • someone revealing personal details without your permission
  • targeting you over and over again in an online game.

Tips to help:

  • Bullying is never your fault.
  • You can report and block people who bully you online.
  • Don't share or comment on bullying posts.
  • Tell an adult you trust, like a teacher, to help stop the bullying. 
  • Things can change. And there are ways you can build your confidence.

Dealing with bullying:

  • Keep evidence - such as a diary of what has been happening plus when and where, take screenshots of online messages. This can help you prove what's been happening.
  • Tell someone at aschool - your school has a responsibility to support you. If you have some evidence, show them to a teacher or someone you trust.
  • Take a break - it's natural to want to see what people are saying when you're being bullied but taking time away from your phone, even for a few minutes, can help you feel calmer.
  • An important point it to talk to someone you trust - speaking about it can make it easier